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Single-Parent Family and Legal Marrying Age

I read some Chinese magazines in the library of Kumamoto University these days, and there are some interesting topics written on the one called "Reader" that I'd like to share and talk about with all you guys.

The fist topic is "Single-Parent Family".
I have known some friends who are in single-parent families and I am also in the same situation. For me, it's not a problem to own a happy life without a father, just like other normal families. It was grieved when my father passed away at my ten-year-old age, but since my mother was such a brave and positive person, I never felt myself different from other ones and we two did spend substantial and happy life. But if there goes any regret, then I think the biggest one is that chirldren from single-parent family are usually lacking in love from both the parents, which can be called "balanced love".
My mother gives me a lot of freedom so that I can do whatever I like as long as I don't hurt myself and the society. But sometimes, I would like to imagine if I had a father, how will life be like. Is that more fun? Or just because of father's stricness I would lose some happy time.
What I want to ask is that do you guys think that chirldren from single-parent families can be different from ohters? I mean in psychology or behavior. And if you are not the one coming from a single-parent family, do you think you are lucky and be satisfied with living with your parents?

Let's go to the second topic now. It's called "Legal Marrying Age".
It's such an interesting thing to compare the legal marring age in diffrent countries. What I have already known is that in Japan, it's 16 for women and 18 for men. In China, 20 for women and 22 for men. And in Thailand, 15 for women and 16 for men, which amazed me a lot. I'm not clear about America and oher western countries.
Based on the dates, you can see that the legal marrying age in Japan and Thailand is when you are in minority, which is interesting because some people may say "How could this happen!? They are just chirldren!"
So my questions are:
1. Do you have any problems with your own county's legal marriying age? If does, do you think it too early or too late?
2. When would you like to get married?
3.If you are faced with an international relationship, do you think the "legal marrying age" could be an obstacle between you and you girlfriends/boyfriends?

Thank you.


Topics I am interested in

No.1= Health Food
As more and more food security problems are happening in the global world, I do want to know how people are thinking about food they eat every day and what kind of food do they like to choose.
I heard that vegetable is more expensive than meat in the European countries. And it turns to be true that Japan is in the same situation.
Will you spend more to have health food or just stay there eating fast food like KFC?

This is always the last topic to discuss especially for Chinese People, those who are kind of thinking it with feeling of guilty. But I want to know more about the real ideas of it. Sex is neither evil nor a mistake.
It's interesting for me to notice the comic books or magazines specialized in adults being sold in public places like convenience stores or book shops in Japan. The same thing in China could never happen.
What's the difference of people's opinion on sex among Japan, China and European Countries?

No.3=University Students
Undoubtedly, there is so much difference among university students in Japan, China and European countries.
What I have known is that Chinese students usually spend more time on the learning thing than Japanese ones because of the fierce competition. Price is increasingly going up in China so that young people don't know the future of themselves. The only choice is to study seriously to make sure they won't be starvation in the near future. 
What about students in other countries like Japan or America?





1956年熊本県水俣市で発生が確認されたことがこの病名の由来であり、英語では「Minamata disease」と呼ばれる。この後、新潟県下越地方阿賀野川流域で昭和電工が起こした同様の公害病の病名も水俣病であることから、これを区別するために前者を熊本水俣病、後者を第二水俣病または新潟水俣病(にいがたみなまたびょう)と呼称する。ただし、単に「水俣病」と言われる場合には前者を指す。水俣病、第二水俣病イタイイタイ病四日市ぜんそく四大公害病とされ、日本における高度経済成長の影の面となった。

http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B0%B4%E4%BF%A3%E7%97%85 より)
